Posted by Tessa Rousselle on
Unless you've been living under the biggest, most clueless rock EVER, you're well aware that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is in fact the most snuggly-faced love nugget breed of all time. Here's a list to prove it.

1. They only judge you when you truly deserve it.
"mom, get yourself together. you've literally been wearing those yoga pants all week."

2. They're the cutest fluffin' creatures on planet earth. Period.
"bet i can melt your heart in 3...2...got ya." - @cav.of.tasha

3. They're all about that chill life.
"not going to work today. went yesterday." - @olliemaggieharleycavs

4. People won't look at you funny if you collect them.
"we're getting another brother???" - @gretaknowsbest

5. They can pull off any bow tie. Any place. Any time.
"fetch my trousers, hooman." - @piperandpierretheckcs

6. No early wakeup calls. They've mastered the art of sleeping in.
"Zzzzzz" - @busybodybiscuit

9. Traveling with a Cav is a breeze.
"there are no snacks. you promised there'd be snacks." - @ladytakesmanhattan

10. They make coming home the best part of every day.
"ohmygodimissedyousomuchyouarethebestmomeverithoughtyouwerenevercomingback"- @juleshough

11. There's a whole bunch of swag dedicated to cavaholics on www.cavlife.com.
"love the shirt, but it pulls too many chicks." - @tuxthekingpup's #cavdad
I had a tri color Cavie for 14 years and 2 months. She went to heaven 2 months ago. She was with me all of the time. She was the most wonderful little girl. I got her on a Saturday and the following Monday my daughter went back to work and Hayley and I started taking care of “our 8 week old twins”. Oh my she took good care of our babies and me until they started school. Not a day goes by that I do not think of her and our many great memories. Needless to say I have another Cavalier. She was 2 when my husband and I got her, shortly before my angel went to heaven. Rammy is my little girl now and she is wonderful. If you are considering having a Cavalier, I have had many breeds through the years but the Cavalier is the most wonderful breed for family members ages 0-? Mary Wagner. 12-2019.
MY dog is literally the best queen in the whole world her little face brightens up every day. Happy dog happy mog.
I live in NC and I’m looking to adopt or purchase a Cac puppy. Can anyone recommend where I should start looking. I love the breed!!!
Just lost my loving tri colour cav 2 days ago, he was nearly 15 years old. So heartbroken, He had a beautiful temperament and so gentle. We got a blenheim cav too when we got him but we lost her 5 years ago she was perfect too. I dont know what to do with myself now but love reading your messages .
Cavs are simply the sweetest best doggos in the whole canine world💗🐶🐶. And that is all I have to say about that.