Posted by Tessa Rousselle on
Unless you've been living under the biggest, most clueless rock EVER, you're well aware that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is in fact the most snuggly-faced love nugget breed of all time. Here's a list to prove it.

1. They only judge you when you truly deserve it.
"mom, get yourself together. you've literally been wearing those yoga pants all week."

2. They're the cutest fluffin' creatures on planet earth. Period.
"bet i can melt your heart in 3...2...got ya." - @cav.of.tasha

3. They're all about that chill life.
"not going to work today. went yesterday." - @olliemaggieharleycavs

4. People won't look at you funny if you collect them.
"we're getting another brother???" - @gretaknowsbest

5. They can pull off any bow tie. Any place. Any time.
"fetch my trousers, hooman." - @piperandpierretheckcs

6. No early wakeup calls. They've mastered the art of sleeping in.
"Zzzzzz" - @busybodybiscuit

9. Traveling with a Cav is a breeze.
"there are no snacks. you promised there'd be snacks." - @ladytakesmanhattan

10. They make coming home the best part of every day.
"ohmygodimissedyousomuchyouarethebestmomeverithoughtyouwerenevercomingback"- @juleshough

11. There's a whole bunch of swag dedicated to cavaholics on www.cavlife.com.
"love the shirt, but it pulls too many chicks." - @tuxthekingpup's #cavdad
Best breed ever. I lost my first cavalier, Dutch, two months ago. He developed a heart murmur at age 8 and a year later, even with all the drugs money could buy, I lost him in the night unexpectedly. Heart attack. From day 1, this dog stole my heart and will forever be my best friend. The loss is unbearable at times. I miss his deep brown eyes that were glued to me at all times, his hugs, and even his stink eye. He was full of personality! My other cavalier, a Black and Tan named Dartanian, is five and is high strung, full of energy, and the biggest cuddler.
You can’t go wrong with this breed. They have so much love to give and live to make you happy. Despite the heart issues common to the breed, they’re worth every penny.
Cavaliers are the best breed ever. I lost my beautiful Blenheim boy, Kody this last July. He would’ve been 10 this October. I never dreamed that my heart could be broken like this. He loved my husband and I unconditionally. And, we loved him just as unconditionally. Even though we are so sad with his passing, we would never have traded our time with him. If you ever thought about getting a Cavalier…you need to do it. Truly the best breed ever.
My daughter had a cavalier. Unfortunately, it died very suddenly due to heart condition. I would love to get her one that is truly healthy.
I’ve had the privilege of enjoying many canine companions over my life time…But it was my Rosie, a tri-color CKCS that was exemplary above all other breeds (even of those within her own breed).
I just lost my beloved Rosie of 12 years (10 days ago). She was my constant companion; she went to work with me, shopped, played, and spent many hours just laying on my lap for cuddles.
A Cavalier’s life isn’t long enough – their only draw back…
I look foward to the day when the pain and void are replaced with all the happy memories of our time together…till then, it’s just tough without her.
I’ve had the privilege of enjoying many canine companions over my life time…But it was my Rosie, a tri-color CKCS that was exemplary above all other breeds (even of those within her own breed).
I just lost my beloved Rosie of 12 years (10 days ago). She was my constant companion; she went to work with me, shopped, played, and spent many hours just laying on my lap for cuddles.
A Cavalier’s life isn’t long enough – their only draw back…
I look foward to the day when the pain and void are replaced with all the happy memories of our time together…till then, it’s just tough without her.